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L2 design
L2 config
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ACI Fabric
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aci application centric infrastructure
aci construct template config access-policy
aci EVPN
aci funzionalità
aci multipod
Aci multisite
aci multisite deployment
multisite design
aci comandi utili
SDA Software Defined Access
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SD-Access and DNAC Cisco
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sdwan cisco vipitela
Use Case
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QoS design
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bgp design cisco
bgp design juniper
bgp teoria
vxlan evpn mpbgp clos-fabric
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eigrp design
eigrp teoria
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ospf design
ospf teoria
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isis design
isis teoria
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mpls design
mpls teoria
mpls Traffic-Engineering
label value mpls
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Mcast Design
Mcast Teoria
Segment Routing
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Segment-Routing Teoria
SR comandi utili
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ipv6 design
ipv6 teoria
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eth teoria
eth lab
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spanning-tree teoria
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atm design
atm teoria
VPN client-server
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ipsec design
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signaling phone
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Case History
Main Menu
802.1x: class-map and policy-map definitions (match, event, failure, action)
AAA step di configurazione switch/router Cisco via Radius
Access Aggregation Core layer definition
Accesso Forum
aci APIC application policy infrastructure controller
aci EVPN external route propagation inside fabric and router-reflector
ACI expanding apic cluster da tre a sei server (n° 5 active + n° 1 standby)
ACI Fabric Access Policies Design Configuration
aci interaction with external L3 connection config steps
ACI L3 out design and best practise
aci multisite MSO and vmware Vsphere virtual appliance and FCS first customer shipment
aci multisite on local datacenter
ACI N9K-C93180YC-FX3
ACI N9K-C93360YC-FX2
ACI N9K-C9336C-FX2
ACI N9K-C9364-GX
aci-apic vsh_lc > show system internal info vlan access_encap_vlan 302
ACI: APIC cluster setup and best-practices
ACI: application centric infrastructure best-pratices
ACI: ipotesi multisite architecture and best-pratices configuration deployment
ACI: Multi-POD Design con 2 e 3 POD e policy costruction
ACI: Multisite Deploy Steps with MSO (Multisite Orchestrator) Nexus Dashboard versione 2.1.1 – APIC version 4.2(4) and Nexus Spine/Leaf version 14.2(4)
ACI: progetto Multisite best-practices and Nexus Dashboard Orchestrator deploy steps
ACI: re-ingegnerizzazione access-policy a seguito mismatch encapsulation vlan error – verifica code F3274 F1425 aci-preupgrade-validation
ACI: schema di configurazione access-policy and tenant-policy L3-OUT
ACI: two scenarious IPU/APU (LAB) and steps configuration bestpractices – OSPF different areas Border Leaf – OSPF summarization – Transit Routing – BGP capability
adsl atm dialer pap chap nat config
aggregate ethernet (ae) interface into virtual bridge-domain Junos (MX series)
Application Article
ASR9K cisco: reacheability to smart-licensing compatible upgrade router and setup configuration
ASR9K cisco: setting hw-module port comand definition
ATM switching labels e sua funzionalità
balancer F5 steps to create a new pool vip servers farm
bfd parameters cisco router per ospf
BGP filter based as-path inbound (schema example)
BGP labeled-unicast definizione
bgp regular expression for as-path filtering
Blog [ID: ee22e23852]
Blog articoli
blog interno [ID: 789c91byo5]
BPDU GUARD: bpdu guard definition
BPDU protection Junos
Bridge Domain Junos (MX series)
Bridge Mechanism in Junos and MAC table example
Case History home [ID: 72b78692ly]
cisco log %HSRP-SW1-5-STATECHANGE and timers hsrp and stp
cisco netflow export and monitoring config example
codifica NRZI non-return-to-zero-inverted-on-one
configurazione VPLS junos site preference primary and backup
Corso Switching Junos Technology
Costruzione rete ACI Multi-POD Design con 2 e 3 POD e policy costruction
crypto key generate rsa router cisco
Custom Styles
Custom Styles
DCI L2: example design configuration dark-fiber p2p and ring, pseudowire, vpls, gre
DCI: layer 2 and layer 3 definition RPO-RTO
definizione di codifica digitale
Design Broadband Network with mpls, segment-routing, evpn, multicast mvpn
DMVPN cisco: example configuration Hub/Spoke router
domande di carattere generale networking e security
DR Site: esempio di realizzazione progetto DR-Primary site con Nexus and redistribution layer-3 policy
Easy DMVPN configuration
Enterprise Network Cisco Safe Blueprint
esempio di configurazione cisco per limit bandwidth on interface cisco router
esempio di progetto ACI Multi-Site con differenti ipotesi IPN e best-practic configuration deployment
Ethernet OAM (operation administration mantenance) with router cisco ASR9K
Ethernet OAM Cisco configuration (ASR9K)
Ethernet OAM Junos
evpn funzionalità
EVPN MP-BGP: fabric clos best-practices
example design configuration SDA Cisco Software Defined Access
fabricpath esempio di architettura e configurazione dominio FP
FabricPath: best-practices and configuration example
FCoE: fibre channel over ethernet best-practices
Firewall Filter Junos
Frame Processing in Junos
frame relay
FWFG: design architettura firewall cluster A-P vs A-A mode and load-balancing
FWFG: pro and cons A-A vs A-P cluster firewall
general rules network security
Graceful Restart Cisco configuration ASR9K
Graceful Restart configuration Junos (router T series)
High-Availability between two different datacenter with EBGP-IBGP-OSPF design
Hold-Time (HT) per Hello messages interval (IH) between LDP peer
Ingegneria Networking
IOS-XE: EBGP peering with Double Advertisement Conditional
IOS-XE: port-channel with HSRP configuration to ACI Fabric
IOS-XR and Nexus: EBGP peering example with different AS per-router
IOS-XR: L2VPN BVI VRRP Bundle-Ethernet configuration to ACI Fabric
ip nat inside outside router cisco 2611
IP Source-Guard and Unicast RPF (Reverse Path Forwarding) definition
IPSLA esempio configurazione Junos (router T series)
IPSLA esempio di configurazione Cisco (ASR9K)
ISE: PSN and PAN definitions
ISE: template di configurazione switches cisco sotto autenticazione tacacs radius
isis ipv6 feature ISISv6
isis parametri NET afi area code system id n selector
Joining to SDWAN Fabric Step Cisco
juniper MX960 Router Reflector iBGP inet vpn unicast l2vpn signaling with cluster and client RR
Junos Device Architecture
junos policy option import no default on PE and export default from M7i
Lab MPLS-TE with ASR9K and T1600Juniper for testing tunnel end-to-end Pseudowire
LACP link aggregation control protocol Junos
Layer 2 Looped Cisco: esempi di schemi e definizioni
lisp locator / identifier separation protocol and header
LISP: locator identifier separation protocol definition RLOC EID ITR ALT MR MS
Login esempio configurazione Junos (T series)
Loop Guard: loop guard definition
Loop protection Junos
MC-LAG multichassis Junos
MP-BGP Cisco: BGP-PIC, BGP-Edge, BGP-ORR definition
mpls FAT label and Entropy label to load-balancing
MPLS: ambiente di test – definizione protocolli di rete – ipotesi link-protection and node-protection
NAC (Network Admission Control): feature ed esempio di configurazione
NetCrunch: Custom View
NetCrunch: IP Network
NetCrunch: Monitoring Dependencies
NetCrunch: Overview
NetCrunch: Physical Segment
Networking L2circuit (L2VPN underlay and overlay) over mpls
Nexus 1000V: virtual-machine concept and Nexus 1000V virtual-switches (VSM and VEM)
Nexus N5K: pod FEX 1xN2K with active-active dual-homed and vpc-enhanced
Nexus N9K loader > prompt and boot release software from loader
Nexus: advertise default-route conditional via OSPF with two VNF – set metric (+) – set DR/BDR priority – Verifiche tabelle di routing e database
Nexus: analisi spanning-tree tra ambiente legacy e due coppie di N9K – verifica tabelle stp – soluzione vpc tra N9K geograficamente collegati
Nexus: best-practices VPC peer-link and keepalive
Nexus: redistribution ospf-to-bgp and bgp-to-ospf with two VNF (VRF)
Nexus: schema di configurazione QinQ tra router MX960 – Nexus fabricpath
Nexus: VDC concept
NG-MVPN Example Configuration Cisco IOS-XR with Anycast RP
NTU LTU hdsl
OSPF LFA loop-free alternate FRR and BGP PIC best-practices cisco
OSPF normal-area and OSPF in vrf-lite to manage traffic separate with cisco router
OSPF Stub Area ABR router Juniper series M7i – J
OTV and QoS
OTV: overlay transport virtualization best-ptactices
packets network concepts more forwarding controller plane diagrams
parametri di configurazione comandi cisco per abilitazione netflow
Physical Article
Plesiochronous Digital Hierarchy
Port Mirroring Junos
Port Security ARP Spoofing Junos
Port Security DHCP snooping Junos
Port Security IP source-guard Junos
Port Security MAC limiting Junos
Port-Security: mac address limiting definition
Private Vlan Junos (EX series)
Progettazione e messa in opera della nuova architettura di rete IPv6 per il dipartimento Vodafone Italia
Progettazione e messa in opera per la sostituzione di firewall ASA con cluster Fortigate FG1000F
Progetto di rete backbone Lottomatica
Progetto di sostituzione dei router per conto IBM
Progetto Nuova Fiera di Roma
Progetto per Banca5
prova [ID: a36e308l8p]
Prova blog
QinQ tunneling junos example
QoS cisco: esempio di configurazione ASR9K router P-MPLS
QoS Junos: esempio di configurazione in un router T-series (code-point, classes queue, drop-profile)
QoS reference best-practices value
Radius Tacacs esempio di configurazione Junos
rate adaptive adsl
RETH redundant ethernet interface Junos
Richiesta accesso
Richiesta accesso community
Root Guard: root guard definition
Root protection Junos
Routing Article
Routing Instances Junos
RVI routed vlan interface (EX series)
SAN Extension
SAN: content-routing and content-switching definition
SDA cisco: DNA CENTER Design Process (step)
SDA cisco: DNA CENTER Device Discovery Process (step)
SDA cisco: DNA CENTER Device Software Images Process (step)
SDA cisco: DNA CENTER Provisioning OVERLAY with LAN Automation (step)
SDA cisco: DNA CENTER Provisioning UNDERLAY with LAN Automation (step)
SDA cisco: DNA CENTER Segmentation and Policy Process Onboarding (step)
SDA cisco: Flow Traffic Prospective Design
SDA cisco: overview protocols
SDA cisco: Troubleshooting Operation
SDA-cisco: Wireless Integration and OTT (Over The Top)
sdwan cisco vipitela ambiente di laboratorio, config e test use-case: filtering network – route leaking – FW insertion – Hub&Spoke
SDWAN: Architettura di Laboratorio – configurazioni – provisioning – test
SDWAN: cisco overview protocol (vSMART, vMANAGE, vEDGE, vBOND)
SDWAN: design Cisco Meraki HUB/SPOKE with MX devices and step configuration
SDWAN: NAT best-practices
SDWAN: OMP route TLOC – Color – Restrict – Carries
SDWAN: onboarding cEDGE router cisco CSR1K and template config sdwan mode tunnels
SDWAN: Operations Planes (orchestration, data and control)
SDWAN: provisioning Centralized Policy configuration vMANAGE controller: loopback filtering – vpn1/vpn2 leaking – service chaining (fw insert.) – Hub & Spoke
segnalazione QSIG peer to peer PSS1 private signaling system 1
Seminari tecnici
Seminari tecnici Articoli
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show ipv6 neighbor attribute description
show segment-routing traffic-eng policy color 1003
SLB and FWSM cisco network design example with 10 diagram
SMDS (Switched Multi-megabit Data Service)
SNMP esempio configurazione Junos
SONET channel valori
Spanning-Tree RSTP LAB Junos design and configuration
SRTE Traffic-Engineering SR-Policy candidate-path with example configuration
SRX Junos enable IPv6 and reload procedure chassis cluster
SRX junos step di test switchover chassis cluster
SRX: peering BGP with 3 different Zone/Group – redistribution prefix and default-route configuration policy-option policy-statement
SS7 STP signal transfer point
SSH and NTP esempio di configurazione Junos
Storage: confronto tra OSI – FCoE – FC stack model
Storage: cosa significa resilienza e ridondanza in una rete SAN
Storage: DAS NAS SAN area network best-practices
Storage: FCIP fibre-channel over IP element and MDS cisco config example
Storage: FCoE fibre-channel over ethernet element
Storage: Fibre Channel Overview port-type, addressing, zoning, vsan, lun
Storage: Software Zoning definition
Storage: Zoning definition
Storm Control Junos
Switching Article
Switching Junos technologies
Syslog esempio configurazione Junos
Syslog Junos
TCP windows scaling and LFN long fat network bandwidth-delay product
tecniche di zoning
Telecom Italia
telefono tip ring
template config onboarding devices multipod and multisite construct
trama T2_DS2
trasporto sdsl
trill transparent interconnection of lots parametri and header
TRILL: best-ptactices definition
UCS Cisco: Unified Computing System best-practices
UCS unified computing system
UCS Unified Computing System
UDLD: unidirectional link detection definition
Uplink-Fast and Backbone-Fast definition
User fields
utilizzo del comando summary-address on aggregate router eigrp and stub access-router
VACL cisco: Vlan Access Control List config
VDSL (Very High bit-rate DSL)
Virtual-Chassis Junos (EX and QFX series)
VMware DR: SRM site recovery manager, vMotion, Fault-Tolerant, HA
VMware NSX: networking security extended best-practices
vpc access-policy template config construct aci fabric
VPLS configuration Junos (MX series)
VRF Enforced vs Unenforced and Contracts EPGs design
VSS cisco: schema di riferimento etherchannel
VSS configuration Cisco Catalyst
VSS switch: upgrade procedure software catalyst C6807-VSS version 15.5(1)SY5
VSS: virtual switching system best-practices and MEC multichassis ethernet channel
VXLAN: vlan extensible lan protocol definition
workflow aaa autenticazione
AAA step di configurazione firewall ASA Cisco via Tacacs
AAA step di configurazione switch Nexus Cisco via Tacacs
aci arp vl-101 command
aci cosa significa POD
aci EVPN Learning Process End-Point
aci integration with STP-based lan and LLDP more MCP mis-cabling protocol
ACI L3 out parameters and OSPF details
aci multisite L2 connection across site with flooding
aci multisite with VMs cluster over WAN bandwidth
aci-apic show coop internal info repo ep dampening
adsl pots splitter
arp-table and mac-address-table PC to SW to Router example design
ATM packets switching overlay associazione VCI path R1-SW1-SW2-R2
ATM QoS parametri
bgp convergence mode example excercies
bgp dual-homing PE-CE con gestione loc-prefer + MED tra coppie di router cisco (CE) e router juniper (PE) con annuncio della default-route e verifica tabelle bgp
BPDU bridge protocol data unit overview
codifica NRZ non-return-to-zero
collegamento Nexus in vpc FEX N2K to coppia di Firewall in cluster active-standby example config
cosa è una IaaS SaaS PaaS
costruzione di una rete mpls di laboratorio attraverso ospf + ldp + mpls + lsp + rsvp + ibgp con tecnologia juniper
dhcp client server IP Lan router layer 3 cisco 2611
difference ISIS OSPF overview
DMVPN features
enterprices network cisco design best practices
esempio config ASA cisco dynamic tunnels ipsec remote access with crypto map and group policy tunnel group
esempio di config tunnel Juniper multicast inclusive I-PMSI and selective S-PSMI MVPN backbone
esempio di configurazione Juniper Virtual Switch and Bridge Domain with LACP and encapsulation vlan bridge in un ambiente datacenters
evpn route-type
example rete MPLS-LU configuration cisco
f-tag fabricpath header vs trill header format
Fabric ACI construct L2 and L3 specific
fabricpath cisco spine and leaf parametri e topologia ftag
FCoE Fibre Channel over Ethernet definizione
FDMA frequency division multiple access
Fix flapping BFD link over ospfv3
frame relay vc pvc svc dte dce dlci lmi
graceful chassis junos devices example con parametri per aggregate-eth-interface – tunnel-services-interface and ip-service on MX mode
IBGP rules and behaviours RIB BGP table IBGP CONFEDERATION config and outputs example
IP header fields concepts
IPv6 Tutorial
isis junos lsp database L1 L2 router and attached bit evalutation overview
L2-out and L3-out simple example design and cli config
LDP messages
MPLS-LDP-RSVP-TE protocol difference between JUNOS and CISCO
nexus vpc peer-link keepalive domain config
NG-MVPN mLDP-based Multicast Route Policy Map
OSI model and ISO addressing and types
OTV example-configuration per interface type
OTV Overlay Transport Virualization overview and configurations example
pdh versus sdh confronto
progetto VRF routing instances management con router Juniper
qos esempi di applicazione in un router juniper e cisco asr9k all’interno di un backbone mpls
SD-Access Cisco DNAC Design Steps Configuration Dashboard ver 2.2.3.x
sdwan cisco overview
segment-routing control-plane and data-plane
segnalazione QSIG BC
segnalazione R2 gruppi 1 2 3 avanti and gruppi A B indietro
show ip cef detail per-destination and per-packet and ospf ecmp
show segment-routing traffic-eng ipv4 topology
slot dqdb
software zoning e definizione di HBA
SRX junos traceoption debug command
SS7 SSP service switching point
tabella di confronto oc sonet vs sdh
TCP timestamp option 8
template config l3-out access-policy construct
traffic shaping rate formule
trama T1_DS1
Transmission Protocol Specific – Transmission Convergence
utilizzo del comando delay con eigrp per best-path-computation
vdsl frequency
vpn ipsec tunneling
VSS overview and config example
AAA step di configurazione switch Brocade via Tacacs
AAA step di configurazione switch/router Cisco via Tacacs
aci cosa significa Fabric
aci extending the existing EPG
ACI L3-out best-practices and example design
aci multisite L2 connection across sites no flooding
aci multisite microservices architecture
ACI multisite with integration FW devices scenario and service-grapth best-practices
aci-apic show system internal epm vlan all | grep 101
ATM AAL5 encapsulation header e parametri
ATM aware network backbone overview
base packet
best-practices enterprices network and security access distribution core cisco design
bgp community example
Chi siamo
CLOS FABRIC datacenters QFX5100 Juniper
codifica MLT-3
collegamento Nexus con FEX N2K in vpc example config
config base bgp vpnv4 address family and router reflector cisco
Cosa significa ACI Fabric
differenza tra un DAS un NAS ed una SAN
elementi di una rete TLC
enable IPv6 with Junos devices with several steps of configuration and operation
esempio configurazione CISCO ASR9K per L2VPN bridge group, bridge domain and L2 transport bundle ethernet interface in un ambiente Data Centers
esempio di configurazione JUNOS IPSEC tunnel
evpn features
Fibre Channel port type
frame relay multicasting
IEEE 802.1ad (q-in-q) vs IEEE 802.1ah (mac-in-mac) header format
IPv6 slaac autoconfiguration between two routers ipv6 only and two island ipv6 cisco
isis attached bit
isis config interface
juniper MX960 Router Reflector iBGP inet vpn unicast l2vpn signaling with cluster and client RR
L2VPN EVPN VXLAN MP-BGP L2VNI L3VNI document overview
microfiltri adsl
MPLS aware overview
mpls L2VPN VPLS Spanning Tree Avoidance
mpls TE con definizione e configurazioni per signaling e constraints in cisco tecnology e tante simulazioni di fault-link and fault-node con output di verifica
mpls Transport and Services Label
multiplatore sonet
NG-MVPN Example Configuration Cisco IOS-XR with GTM (Global Table Multicast)
notes about ospf with normal area and ospf in vrf lite
ospf tuning fast convergence and timers throttle lsa spf
OTV data plane header
PCM digitale value legge-u e legge-A
progetto VRF routing instances management con router Juniper
QoS integrazione Diff-Serv MPLS-TE
QSIG Q reference and C reference PBX to PBX
queue arbitrated dqdb
router-reflector junos example config between RR-cluster and RR-client
san fabric ad alta affidabilita resilienza ridondanza
SD-Access Cisco Wireless Integration and OTT (Over The Top) workflow
segnalazione R2 frequenze registri avanti and indietro
show segment-routing traffic-eng policy
SS7 signaling link type A B C D E F
STP spanning tree overview all protocols
switching architectures l2 looped flexlink star STP overview
TCP starvation UDP dominance
traffic shaping rate command
trama sts_1
upgrade release per C9300L in stackable cisco command cli
utilizzo del comando variance con eigrp unequal-cost-path e sua formula di computazione
VDOM mode transparent firewall FortiGate config-example
vdsl connection
verifica codice errore F3274 mismatch fabric encapsulation (moquery -c faultInst -f ‘fault.Inst.code==”F3274″‘)
vpn concentrator
VSS virtual switching system catalyst cisco config
ACI cisco Application Centric Infrastructure overview
aci cosa significa Multi-POD
aci EVPN BUM trasmission broadcast unknow multicast
aci extending L2 BD to external L2 with gateway IP on external network parametri
aci multisite ISN intersite network
aci multisite L3-out and GOLF
aci multisite over WAN
aci multisite policy manager with site-local policies
aci-apic cat faultRecord_Dec29.xml | xmllint –format – | egrep -i “F3083” | awk -F “cause=” ‘{print $1}
analisi EPG-101 (vlan-101 between two datacenter
analisi flusso di traffico in un backbone mpls ip considerando metric IT CSPF RSVP link protection node protection
architetture datacenters overview design
ATM AAL3/4 encapsulation header e parametri
best-practices datacenter fabric a confronto tra fabricpath vs trill vs lisp vs qfx5100 vs aci
BGP regular expression for as path filtering
cisco upgrade vrf in ipv6 with vrf upgrade-cli multi-af-mode common-policies vrf
cluster active standby firewalls FortiGate and IF-management example-config
codifica Manchester
config isis comandi traffic engineering
config layer 2 for connection VDC Nexus N7K and example config for access Nexus devices among 2xN7K 1xN5K 1xN2K FEX
cosa è un container definizioni
COSA SIGNIFICA ACI Fabric with example architecture and config
ebgp ibgp timers advertisement interval local preference next hop self
eigrp best practices architectures
esempio di configurazione cisco Tunnel GRE over IPSEC
example config multipoint-gre tunnel with cisco router tra un PE e due CE
Fibre Channel Overview
fpd auto-upgrade enable on ASR9K (ASR9910) e verifica
frame hdsl
frame relay LMI local management interface
HFC hybrid fiber coax
IPv6 overview
iso-osi standard
IWAN PfR Performance Routing
juniper MX960 PE mpls lsp traffic eng with node link protection fast reroute and ospf rsvp
Lavora con noi
LUN logical unit number to server
mpls classi di amministrazione (colori) proprietà and affinità
mpls L2VPN EVPN load-balancing
mpls label = 13 ( Generic Associated Channel Label GAL )
NAC network admission control funzionalità ed esempio di progetto
nexus vpc-peerlink and peer-keealive config example
NG-MVPN mLDP-based Multicast Configuration Process for MLDP MVPN Intranet (IOS-XR)
note ospf with normal area and ospf in vrf lite
ospf junos lsa type LSDB database between backbone area 0 and non backbone area more route ospf with ABR and ASBR
OTV interface type e funzionalità
port security MAC address limiting
qa priority dqdb
QoS Traffic-Engineering and constraint-based routing
QSIG protocol BC GF ANF
queuing CBWFQ LLQ WRED MDRR names command functions
SD-Access troubleshooting operation
SDSL (Symmetric DSL)
segnalazione R2 di supervisione
SS7 segnalazione SSP STP SCP
STDM time division multiple access
tabella channel E-T (DS) carrier
TCP selective acknowledgement
traffico autenticazione vpn firewall udp 1812 1813
trama stm_4
upgrade hw-sw nexus 7K cisco from sup1 to sup2
upgrade Spine-Leaf switch ACI to release 14.2(4i) manually procedure (No APIC procedure)
uplink-fast and backbone-fast feature
AAA step di configuratione ISE Identity Services Engine per autenticazione switch cisco via Radius e via Tacacs+ server
aci APIC macro-steps di configurazione fabric multipod
aci EVPN IGP protocol
ACI Fabric DCI-L3 over EIGRP network design e policy configuration
ACI Fabric with DHCP Relay Configuration
aci interaction with external L2 connection config steps
aci multisite OOB management MSO
aci multisite shared services
aci-apic cat faultRecord_Dec29.xml | xmllint –format – | egrep -i “F3083”
analisi vlan-encap-mismatch vlan-101
ATM AAL2 encapsulation header e parametri
BGP example configuration R CPE PE with local preference as path prepend and ospf for internal lan broadcast
boot system catalyst cisco config
bpdu guard feature
CDMA code division multiple access
cisco 12K config isis with lsp tlv definition
cisco mpls cef ldp router id traffic eng reoptimize tag switching advertise
Cisco SLB and FWSM network design
codifica HDB3 high density bipolar
config base bgp vpnv4 address-family and router reflector
Cookie Policy
cosa è NSX vmware definizioni
criticita vdsl
diagramma frequenza adsl
dmvpn phase2 easy config example
eigrp neighbor packets message
esempio di configurazione ASA per Dynamic Tunnels IPSEC in Remote Access
evoluzione di architettura datacenter con 22 modelli ad esempio
failover asa cisco config
FCoE elements
flusso hdsl
frame relay lapf address framing fecn becn dlci
hw-module location 0/0/CPU0 port-mode ASR9K (ASR9910) setting speed port module
IP source guard ed unicast reverse path forwarding
IPv6 addressing scheme unicast multicast anycast
ipv6 over ipv4 backbone mpls mpbgp labeled-unicast on Juniper technologies router 6PE
isis bfd
IWAN Intelligent WAN overview and PfR Performance Routing concepts
mpls BGP VPNv4 address header
mpls label = 14 ( OAM Alert Label )
mpls traffic-engineering example-config with explicit-path cisco per tunnel-TE fast-reroute node protection and definizione comandi and ipotesi di inoltro traffico over tunnel mpls
multicast group layer 2 IGMP between two VM vmware on different ESXI connected to Nexus N9300 EX
MultiSite ACI Fabric project design with Nexus Dashboard Orchestrator best-practices
nexus spanning-tree configurazioni e verifica con N9K cisco
NG-MVPN mLDP-based Multicast Profiles and configuration rules
ospf junos NSSA area LSA type 7 and LSDB database router LSA type
ospf router Juniper edge ABR stub area
OTV features
pdh flusso tipo strutturato e non-strutturato
Physical Media Specific – Transmission Convergence
QoS Diff-Serv
radius proxy access
SAN Fabric Zoning WWN
SD-Access Cisco Traffic Flow Prospective
segnalazione R1 ITU T from Q310 to Q332
SS7 segnalazione associata
switching architectures cisco design
TCP keepalive timer
trama stm_1
unnumbered frame
802.1x example guide config
access radius
aci APIC steps di configurazione fabric multipod
aci EVPN RD and RT
ACI Fabric creazione di un VPC tra Leaf ed uno switch esterno con stessi EPG-ID interni ed esterni alla Fabric
aci L3-out extending to external domain parametri
aci multisite L3-only across site
aci multisite shadow EPG
aci-apic bash > mkdir /tmp/tac > cd /tmp/tac > icurl ‘http://localhost:7777/api/class/faultRecord.xml
ADM add-drop multipunto
ATM AAL1 encapsulation header e parametri
BGP community example
channel DS type and speed
cisco CRS fast reroute tunnel with mpls traffic eng and rsvp
cisco vrf route target import export and vrf lite as override
clos fabric datacenters QFX5100 Juniper
cluster QFX5100 juniper config
cluster SRX1500 juniper config
codifica 4B5B 5B6B 8B6T
cosa è un ESX ed un ESXi
dhcp snooping feature
difference ISIS OSPF overview
dmvpn overview and config example
eigrp stuck and active-query process sia
esempio di progetto per CLOS Fabric cisco oriented
FCIP elements
frame adsl
frame relay gestione broadcast
frame sdsl
information frame
ipsec tunnel tra local and remote site con steps config juniper example
ipv6 link-local and site-local definizione
ipv6 slaac addressess with juniper router config example
isis example-config progetto backbone process isis and interfaces
isis metric x level-1
mac head of bus dqdb
mpls L2VPN VPLS load-balancing EVPN
mpls label = 7 (Entropy Label Indicator ELI )
nexus N5K family connection to FEX enhanced-vpc cisco
NG-MVPN C-multicast PIM JOIN messages
ospf junos NSSA area LSA type 7 and LSDB database router LSA type
OSPF tuning fast convergence and timers throttle lsa spf
procedura upgrade software ver 7.0.2 IOS-XR ASR9K and FPD (field programmabile device)
QoS Int-Serv
QoS ip admission control conformita policer shaper
root guard feature
SAN Fabric definizione
SD-Access Cisco Overview Design
segnalazione National R2
Seminario architetture layer 2 switching
SS7 SCP service control point
TCP global synchronization
trama stm_n
verifica codice errore F1425 subnet overlap (moquery -c faultInst -f ‘fault.Inst.code==”F1425″‘
vPC architectures nexus design cisco models
vPC lacp config between 2xFirepower ASA to 2xNexus switch
802.1x feature
aci enable VTEP and enable BGP features
aci L2-out extending to external domain parametri
aci multisite policy manager MSO functions steps
aci TEP tunnel endpoint
aci-apic show system internal im info global | egrep 0xnumber with show int tunnel 4
adsl flat connection
ATM aware gerarchie plesiocrone e sincrone
BGP bignami for Convergence Mode with features and pratical excercises outputs table RIB BGP and config debug example
BGP example configuration R CPE PE with local preference as path prepend and ospf for internal lan broadcast
BGP filter based as-path inbound
cisco 12K tunnel fast reroute node protection with isis
codifica 2B1Q
come lavorano i differenti protocolli di rete per una architettura clos Spine and Leaf
cosa è un virtual-switch ed un distributed-virtual-switch
eigrp route summarization significato
ethernet PBB 802.1ah header provider backbone bridged overview tunnel mac-in-mac
evoluzione POD data centers from standard to vPC vPC FabricPath and FEX extender design
FC Fiber Channel Stack FC0 FC1 FC2 FC3 FC4
frame relay datalink lapf link access procedure to frame
GRE over IPSEC tunnel example-config tra due router
ipv6 multicast address
isis network point-to-point
isu mac_connesso mac_non_connesso dqdb
loop guard feature
mpls L2VPN VPLS Spanning Tree Avoidance
mpls label = 3 ( Implicit Null )
nexus cisco spine N5K to FEX N2K vPC port channel
nexus vPC peer-gateway overview and HSRP funzionalità
ospf junos lsa type LSDB database between backbone area 0 and non backbone area more route ospf with ABR and ASBR
ospfv3 ipv6 feature
QoS overview intserv diffserv
register smart-license cisco on ASR9K with usefull commands and solution when we have issue with registering
restart packet
SAN storage area network
segnalazione Ear Mouth
SS7 MTP message transfer part layer 2
stackable c3850 software auto-upgrade enable
stackwise virtual system cisco models
switching L2 features
Synchronous Digital Hierarchy
TCP ECN explicit congestion notification
tunnel IPv6 tra due routers IPv4 aut-config slaac
aci APIC existing brownfield
aci Distribute Anycast Protocol Gateway
aci name-space translation or normalisation
aci OpenFlow
aci-apic show lacp counters interface po12
ATM aware e classificazione dei servizi
broadcast suppression feature
cosa è una virtual machine VM
CRS config ospf with bfd timers throttle mpls-te
crypto key generate rsa on router cisco config
DAS NAS SAN architectures overview
DSLAM (DSL Access Multiplexer)
Easy DMVPN configuration
eigrp bandwidth across wan serial link
esempio di configurazione di un tunnel IPv6IP between two router IPv4 core e relativa tabelle di routing
ethernet LACP 802.1aq multi-chassis LAG and shortest path bridge
frame relay bc be cir
funzione di trasferimento di un segnale
Inter-AS option A – B – C design
inter-AS option-C with RRs MPBGP vpnv4 tra due differenti AS con rispettivi backbone mpls di cui uno con OSPF multi-area e l’altro con ISIS multi-level configuration and redistribution
IPSLA esempio di configurazione RPM in router cisco e juniper
ipv6 anycast address
isis circuit-type level-1/2
LACP tra due MX960 Juniper e due vPC Nexus Cisco in FabricPath domain
MEC multi-chassis etherchannel cisco models
mpls label = 1 ( Router Alert )
mpls RSVP signaling overview
NAS network attached storage
nexus vPC peer-switch and STP spanning tree protocol overview
pptp mppe
QFX5100 virtual chassis preprovisioned example config
QoS RED random early detection
reset indicator packet
sdh metro
segnalazione Ear Mouth type 5
show ip cef detail per destination and per packet and ospf ecmp and GLBP protocol
SS7 MTP message transfer part layer 1
TCP header field concepts
VXLAN overview
Access Unit (AU) DQDB
aci APIC new greenfield
aci EVPN control-plane route-type MP-BGP
aci multicast HER-ETEP head-end replication external tunnel endpoint
aci OpFlex
aci vxlan VNID and Class-ID
aci-apic show port-ch ext
ATM aware UNI e NNI cell packets
bgp pic edge and core
bgp router-reflector cisco example-config with peer-group statico and no bgp default ipv4-unicast and ipv4-vrf redist between RR and RR-client
DAS directly attached storage
definizione di segnale
distributed anycast protocol gateway and learning process endpoint and example-config fabric test
DMVPN features
dslam splitter
eigrp load balancing with equal-metric and unequal-metric
ethernet LACP 802.1ad link aggregation protocol overview
frame relay atm FRF5 and FRF8
ipv6 address unicast format
isis ip route-cache flow output
LACP 802.3ad tra due Firewalls FortiGate e due vPC Nexus Cisco
manually tunnels IPv6 over IPv4 overview
mpls distribuzione labels LDP protocols overview
mpls label = 2 ( IPv6 Explicit Null )
nexus vPC plus (vPC+) overview e funzionalità
NG-MVPN PMSI Interface P-Multicast Service Interface
ospf inter-datacenter traffic primario over-backbone and backup over services-provider con verifica redistribuzione prefix ospf IA E1 E2
ospf virtual-link funzionalità
pki x509
QFABRIC architectures overview
QoS scheduling WFQ weighted fair queueing PQ priority queueing
request call packet
sdh poh overhead_path
segnalazione Ear Mouth type 4
SS7 MSU unita di segnalazione di messaggio
storm control feature
test RSP route switch processor and Graceful-Restart
VSS virtual switching cisco models
802.6 dqdb
aci APIC cluster and steps configuration APIC per un ambiente multipod
aci EVPN control-plane
aci multicast DP-ETEP data-plane external tunnel endpoint
aci ONE open network environment architecture
aci vxlan intersite
aci-apic nxos_binlog_decode binlog_uuid_472_epcm_vdc_1_sub_1_level_3 | egrep *B4 -AS “ip.*ip_address” | egrep -AUPD
bgp fallover
bgp parametri di config BFD on interface-based and session-based bgp
campionamento teorema di Nyquist Shannon
dslam pon ftte
eigrp topology significato
EIGRP Topology Table
esempio di configurazione Juniper Virtual Switch and Bridge Domain with LACP and encapsulation vlan bridge in un ambiente datacenters
frame relay address layer 3
ipv6 address scheme
isatap automatic-tunnelling intrasite overview and example config
isis ip router isis
mpls ILM (Incoming Label Mapping)
mpls label = 0 ( IPv4 Explicit Null )
nat access
network diagram data centers with ASR9K MX960 FW security more virtualization
nexus 1000v cisco VSM and VEM
NG-MVPN P-Tunnel
ospf LSP and LSA header format
progetto ospf con routing instances vrf-management Juniper router and export static route
pvc vc icl isvc bsvc osvc
QoS setting MQC cisco design
sdh oam overhead_section
segnalazione Ear Mouth type 3
SS7 LSSU unita di segnalazione di stato di collegamento
STAR switching architectures design cisco models
test fault power-supply router cisco
UDLD unidirectional link detection normal and aggressive mode
VTP vlan trunking protocol
vxlan evpn funzionalità ed header format
6to4 automatic tunneling overview and config-example
aci EVPN
aci multicast CP-ETEP control-plane external tunnel endpoint
aci multipod DHCP relay
aci multisite data-plane
aci pre-upgrade validation script on APIC Fabric via cli command
aci unicast packet forwarding into ACI fabric
aci-apic nxos_binlog_decode binlog_uuid_472_epcm_vdc_1_sub_1_level_3 | egrep “ip_address”
bgp add-path
bgp community parametri and config-example application
config reth aggregate-ethernet lacp tra una coppia di switch EX juniper in virtual-chassis ed una coppia di firewall SRX juniper in cluster
dslam mux adsl
eigrp interface significato
EIGRP Neighbors Table
esempio utilizzo comando distance con ospf per gestione distanza amministrativa routes ospf e ibgp
ethernet ARP address resolution protocol
flex-link switching architectures design cisco models
frame relay virtual channel pvc svc
ip igmp snooping querier on nexus 9000 cisco
isis no passive-interface
LAPB (Link Access Procedure Balanced)
nas dialup network access server
network diagram data centers with ASR9K MX960 FW security more virtualization
NG-MVPN overview
ospf LSA permesse all’interno delle rispettive aree type
QoS TCM three colour marker
sdh oam overhead_line
segnalazione Ear Mouth type 2
spanning-tree 802.1s MSTP principi di funzionalità
SS7 link parameter
test accesso snmp dal server SNMP manager e syslog
traduzione ipv4 in ipv6 con dual-stack tunneling e traslation
vxlan overview and header
aci L3-config parametri e steps di configurazione
aci multipod POD and IPN interpod network
aci multisite control-plane
aci multisite overlay control-plane COOP steps
aci-apic show vl id 22 ext
bgp advertisement-interval
bgp project per definizione politiche di traffico inbound and outbound tra 2x data-center + 1x backbone- ospf-internal-backdoor
DMT (Discrete Multi Tone)
draft-rosen Rendezvous-Point
eigrp neighbor significato
EIGRP Neighbors Packets
ethernet protocol untagged vs tagged features
frame relay LMI type message definition
interrupt packet
ipv6 addresses eui-64
isis mpls traffic-eng level-1/2
L2vpn virtual-switch e differenti bridge-domain per-vlan config example on MX960 juniper devices
looped-free switching architectures design cisco models
mpls packets switching integrato path R1-SW1-SW2-R2 e funzionalità di push swap pop
mppe microsoft point to point encryption
ospf default-information originate always default-route example config
ospf lfa loop-free and remote-lfa alternate fast-reroute
QoS Token Bucket LBAP traffic
segnalazione Ear Mouth type 1
seminario Architetture Data Center dal modello Base to Fabric
show command LLDP protocol su router juniper e cisco
spanning-tree 802.1w RSTP port role – port status – link type and edge port
SS7 GTT global title translation digits
trama E1 (G.703/732)
aci L2-config parametri e steps di configurazione
aci multisite BUM traffic handlingf across sites steps and GIPo
aci multisite policy manager MSO
aci-apic show running-config | section nve
ATU (ADSL Transceiver Unit)
bgp dynamic-updated group
bgp router-reflector best path with ORR and add-path
config L2VPN Pseudowire PE-PE MPLS-TE preferred-path tunnel cisco with explicit-path enable and verifiche output l2-transport and tunnel
draft-rosen default-MDT e data-MDT
eigrp metric e calcolo attraverso la sua formula
EIGRP Metric value and formula
ethernet 802.1q header Q-in-Q tunneling and config example services provider
example config on CRS cisco to fast-convergency timers with bfd throttling and mpls-te
flusso dte dce
frame relay global address
ipv6 header
isis mpls traffic-eng router-is loopback0
LACP 802.3ad tra due firewalls fortigate e due nexus in vpc cisco
looped switching architectures design cisco models
mpls VPLS VCT + VFT + FDB principi di funzionamento e config-example
notes about network virtualization technologies datacenter
ospf cost metric formula and distance amministrative and adjacency states
RSVP definzione
segnalazione DTMF dual tone multi frequency
spanning-tree 802.1d STP port role and port status
SS7 FISU unita di mantenimento della segnalazione
aci concetto di EPG endpoint group
aci cosa significa Multi-SITE
aci multisite intersubnet across sites steps
aci-apic show system int epm end ip
atu connection inizializzazione
bgp pic prefix indipendent convergence
bgp update-delay and bgp router-process
eigrp dual diffusal update algorithm with feasible-distance and advertised-distance computation
EIGRP features
ethernet 802.1q tagging frame
FIFO – FQ – WFQ – CBWFQ – HQF overview e definizioni
frame relay control plane i430 i431 i441 q933 and control user i430 i431 q922
ipv6 tunnel overview table summary
isis log-adjacency-changes
L2 architetture cisco overview e definizioni access-distribution-core
l2tp pptp
L2vpn virtual-switch bridge-domain and aggregate-ethernet interface on juniper devices
mpls l2vpn L2TPv3 and AToM con example config
multicast group layer 2 IGMP between two VM vmware on different ESXI connected to Nexus N9300 EX
ospf area types and network types
PSPDN (Packet Switched Public Data Networks)
segnalazione di sganciato wink start
show command test netflow cisco
spanning-tree topology change and time
SS7 architettura MTP message transfer part SSCP TUP ISUP TCAP
stub and totally stubby area ospf with router juniper edge and config example
aci cisco policy based and access policy
aci differenza tra ACI-1.0 ACI-1.1 ACI-2.0 ACI-3.0
aci multisite intrasubnet unicast across sites steps
aci-apic show running-config spine 202 bgp 65124 vrf member tenant infra overlay-1
bgp withdraw
channel ASn LSn
data packet
definizione gestione routing per deviazione path con pbr ospf vrf-lite
ethernet header funzioni
frame relay address mapping dlci ip inverse arp
isis metric-style wide
Junos multicast MVPN inclusive selective tunnels example config
l2tp ipsec
lacp tra MX960 e vpc Nexus in fabric-path domain
mpls l2vpn applicazioni e funzionalità
ospf router role
segnalazione CCITT type TASI time assignment speech interpolation
show command OAM per router juniper e cisco
spanning-tree interface role
tabelle di valori ToS DSCP PHB e valori raccomandati per tipologia di traffico QoS
tunneling overview 6to4 ISATAP Manually and IPv6_over_IPv4
aci concetto di bridge-domain pervasive gateway capability and glean packet
aci VM cold-migration streched bridge domain without layer 2 broadcast extension
aci-apic show tenant application epg 430 detail
address dlci signaling teoria
adsl definizione
bgp scan and next-hop tracking
crl cli packet
draft rosen Multicast overview
EIGRP STUB and Active Query Process SIA
is-type level-1 and is-type level-2
l2tp ipsec nat
L2vpn bridge-domain bridge-group and bundle-interface on ASR9K
mpls LSP label switch path definizione
mpls LSP on multi-area with different example of areas ospf ed isis e verifica output di funzionamento
ospf lsa link state advertisement
QoS regole di configurazione classification marking and scheduling con cisco e juniper example config
segnalazione CCITT R2
spanning-tree header e principi di funzionamento
aci concetto di tenant and TSI
aci VM hot-migration streched bridge domain with layer 2 broadcast extension
aci-apic show bgp l2vpn evpn neighbors advertised-routes vrf all
bgp router-reflection terminologia e regole di riflessione path
car packet
EIGRP OSPF redistribution prefix metric type metric link amministrative distance
ipsec access
isis LSDB link state database
mpls header e significato delle label di servizio RFC-3032
multicast ipv6 feature
ospf convergency features
PHB per-hop behaviour class-selector e dscp value
segnalazione CCITT numero 5
test-lab mpls inter-as option B con cisco config (senza RRs) e l’importanza del comando “mpls bgp forwarding”
aci multisite VMM virtual machine manager and steps configuration
aci vxlan GBP
aci-apic show bgp l2vpn evpn
bgp attributi valori e definizioni
ike isakmp
isis PSNP partial sequence number pdu
mpls design l2vpn l3vpn seamless models
mpls pseudowire intersite DC and test HSRP
Multicast Draft-Rosen MVPN feature MDT
QoS piano di controllo forwarding e management
segnalazione CCITT di supervisione
aci multisite MSO to APIC deployment steps configuration
aci vxlan and enhanced vxlan (evxlan)
aci-apic show running-config router bgp 64535
bgp best-path working
client-less vpn
isis CSNP complete sequence number pdu header
MPLS aware L2VPN VPWS PW VPLS L3VPN RFC3107 carry label information BGPv4 config example
mpls UNIFIED L3VPN RFC 3107 Core and Aggregation with IGP redistribution on Access with 11 steps Configuration Example
QoS traffic features measure
segnalazione CAS di supervisione
aci capability spine and leaf
aci multisite TEP pool HER-ETEP DP-ETEP CP-ETEP
bgp attributi funzionalità e formato header
how does it built circuit on backbone MPLS VPN IP and Unified MPLS carry label information example
isis LSP link state PDU header and flooding
mpls UNIFIED L3VPN RFC 3107 carry label information in BGPv4 overview
segnalazione CAS channel associated signaling
accounting radius
aci multisite day-0 infrastructure configuration
API programming interface and AVS
bgp message ROUTE-REFRESH header
EIGRP vs OSPF vs ISIS and config example
isis header
segnalazione Bell System SF single frequency stato di aggancio e sgancio
vpls tra due site config-example juniper
accesso vpn ipsec
aci and openstack integration
bgp message KEEPALIVE
concepts of packets network IP header TCP header Tunnels networks data virtualization data forwarding virtualization bridge domain Ethernet frame private vlans Q in Q MAC in MAC topology
isis overview ed elenco di funzionalità principali
mpls inoltro packets via BGP RFC3107 carry label information overview ed esempi grafici
segnalazione Bell System MF start of pulse end of pulse
aci and microsoft integration
alta affidabilita vpn
bgp message NOTIFICATION header
segnalazione Bell System MF combinazione frequenze di indirizzo
aci and vmware integration
bgp message UPDATE header
segnalazione a partenza immediata off hooke
aci integrazione terze-parti e device package plug-in
bgp message OPEN header
segnalazione a partenza di terra ground start
aci service graph
bgp processo di apertura connessione tcp e funzionalità
segnalazione a partenza di circuito loop start
aci proxy funzionalità
bgp convergency features
rete telefonica PSTN
aci endpoind address
architettura telefonica type local loop or linea locale
aci control-plane and forwarding-plane mapping-database
NTU LTU hdsl
19 Ottobre 2020
19 Ottobre 2020
19 Ottobre 2020
frame hdsl
19 Ottobre 2020
flusso hdsl
19 Ottobre 2020
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