VSS switch: upgrade procedure software catalyst C6807-VSS version 15.5(1)SY5

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VSS switch: upgrade procedure software catalyst C6807-VSS version 15.5(1)SY5

23.02 2024 | by massimiliano

UPGRADE VSS con singola SUP6T per chassis con FSU (Fast Software Upgrade) STEP-1: utilizzo di TFTP or FTP per copiare […]

UPGRADE VSS con singola SUP6T per chassis con FSU (Fast Software Upgrade)

STEP-1: utilizzo di TFTP or FTP per copiare la nuova image all’interno della flash-memory sia per lo chassis active che standby (disk0: and slavedisk0)

VSS-SW# copy tftp disk_name

STEP-2: rimuovere qualsiasi precedente boot variable assegnata e settare il config-register

VSS-SW# conf t

VSS-SW(config)# no boot system

VSS-SW(config)# config-register 0x2102

STEP-3: configurare lo chassis per il boot nuova image e salvare

VSS-SW(config)# boot system flash device:file_name

VSS-SW(config)# end

VSS-SW# copy running-config startup-config

STEP-4: reload standby chassis portandolo a lavorare con la nuova image; a causa del mismatch version tra i due chassis, lo standby chassis si posizionerà nello stato di RPR redundancy mode.

VSS-SW# redundancy reload peer

STEP-5: forzare lo standby chassis ad assumere il ruolo di active chassis e lavorare con la nuova image; il vecchio active chassis va in reboot con la nuova immagine precedentemente scaricata dal nuovo active chassis, diventando quest’ultimo standby chassis.

VSS-SW# redundancy force-switchover

Altra opzione è utilizzare la modalità di upgrade software con eFSU ISSU descritta di seguito

UPGRADE VSS con singola SUP6T per chassis con eFSU ISSU (enhanced Fast Software Upgrade)

STEP-0: verificare la boot variable configurata nel sistema che punta alla versione software prima dell’upgrade; in caso di assenza di una boot variable configurata, per lavorare con ISSU in modo corretto è necessario configurare una boot-variable nel seguente modo:

VSS-SW# show version | in image

VSS-SW# show bootvar

VSS-SW(config)# boot system flash bootdisk:image

STEP-1: utilizzo di TFTP or FTP per copiare la nuova IOS-image all’interno della flash-memory sia per lo chassis active che standby (disk0: and slavedisk0)

VSS-SW# copy tftp bootdisk:

Address or name of remote host [ ] ? < ip_address >

Source filename [ ] ? new_image

Destination filename [ new_image ]

Copy in progress…CCCCCCCCCCCCC complete

VSS-SW# copy bootdisk: slavedisk:

Source filename [ ] ? new_image

Destination filename [ new_image ]

Copy in progress…CCCCCCCCCCCCC complete

STEP-2: verificare che il sistema VSS sia pronto per lavorare in modalità eFSU ISSU.

VSS-SW# show issu state detail

Slot = 1/3

RP state = active

ISSU state = init

Boot variable = bootdisk:old_image;

Operating mode: sso

Primary version = N/A

Secondary version = N/A

Current version = bootdisk_old_version

Variable Store = PrstVbl

Slot = 2/3

RP state = standby

ISSU state = init

Boot variable = bootdisk:old_image

Operating mode: sso

Primary version = N/A

Secondary version = N/A

Current version = bootdisk_old_version

VSS-SW# show redundancy states

my state = ACTIVE

peer state = STANDBY HOT

Mode = Duplex

Unit = secondary

Unit ID = number_ID

Redundancy mode (operational) = sso

Redundancy mode (configured) = sso

Redundancy state = sso

Maintenance mode = disabled

Communications = Up

client count = number

client_notification_TMR = 30000 milliseconds

keep_alive TMR = 9000 milliseconds

keep_alive count = 0

keep_alive threshold = 18

RF debug mask = 0x0

STEP-3: una volta verificato con successo quanto sopra possiamo procedere con il caricare la nuova image all’interno dello chassis in standby; questa operazione caricherà la nuova immagine per lo standby e reload chassis.

Questa operazione prende diversi secondi per caricare la nuova immagine e il VSS standby chassis transita in modalità SSO.

VSS-SW# issu loadversion bootdisk:new_image

(deleted many interface and protocol down messages)

% issu loadversion executed successfully, Standby is being reloaded

(deleted many interface and protocol down messages, then interface and protocol up message)

STEP-4: durante questa operazione si consiglia una visione dello issu state detail

VSS-SW# show issu state detail

Slot = 1/3

RP state = active

ISSU state = load version

Boot variable = bootdisk:old_image

Operating mode: sso

Primary version = bootdisk:old_image

Secondary version = bootdisk:new_image

Current version = bootdisk_old_image

Variable Store = PrstVbl

Slot = 2/3

RP state = standby

ISSU state = load version

Boot variable = bootdisk:new_image;bootdisk:old_image

Operating mode: sso

Primary version = bootdisk:old_image

Secondary version = bootdisk:new_image

Current version = bootdisk:new_image

VSS-SW# show redundancy states

my state = ACTIVE

peer state = STANDBY HOT

Mode = Duplex

Unit = secondary

Unit ID = number_ID

Redundancy mode (operational) = sso

Redundancy mode (configured) = sso

Redundancy state = sso

Maintenance mode = disabled

Communications = Up

client count = number

client_notification_TMR = 30000 milliseconds

keep_alive TMR = 9000 milliseconds

keep_alive count = 0

keep_alive threshold = 18

RF debug mask = 0x0

STEP-5: procedere con il forzare lo switchover chassis abilitando lo chassis in standby a diventare VSS active con la nuova immagine; l’altro chassis diventa standby e reboot con la vecchia immagine

VSS-SW# issu runversion

This command will reload the active unit. Proceed ? [ confirm ]

Dowload start


Download completed ! Booting the image.

Self decompressing the image : #######################################

running startup…..

STEP-6: caricare la nuova immagine dentro lo chassis in standby

VSS-SW# issu commitversion

Building configuration….

[ OK ]


(deleted many interface and protocol down messages)

% issu loadversion executed successfully, Standby is being reloaded

(deleted many interface and protocol down messages, then interface and protocol up message)

STEP-7: verifica finale

VSS-SW# show issu state detail

Slot = 2/3

RP state = active

ISSU state = init

Boot variable = bootdisk:new_image; bootdisk:old_image

Operating mode: sso

Primary version = N/A

Secondary version = N/A

Current version = bootdisk_new_image

Variable Store = PrstVbl

Slot = 1/3

RP state = standby

ISSU state = init

Boot variable = bootdisk:new_image;bootdisk:old_image

Operating mode: sso

Primary version = N/A

Secondary version = N/A

Current version = bootdisk:new_image

VSS-SW# show redundancy states

my state = ACTIVE

peer state = STANDBY HOT

Mode = Duplex

Unit = primary

Unit ID = number-ID_new

Redundancy mode (operational) = sso

Redundancy mode (configured) = sso

Redundancy state = sso

Maintenance mode = disabled

Communications = Up

client count = number

client_notification_TMR = 30000 milliseconds

keep_alive TMR = 9000 milliseconds

keep_alive count = 0

keep_alive threshold = 18

RF debug mask = 0x0

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